Moh Is Vaguer And More Depraved…
MoH is vaguer and more deprived and Courtney-friendly/mild than Heavier Than Heaven even. It's hard to understand what all the fuss about 'Kurt's perspective' is about when it's entirely distant and observational. It's easy to see that Morgen had steady consideration about not showing anything negative about Courtney. Also, all these interviews about MoH that have been circulating recently are more intense that the film itself. Totally insufficient and twisted through the Courtney prism!
Basically. Lol, Brett even had the AUDACITY to say that he wanted the film to hold ‘emotional truths’ opposed to ‘facts.’
You mean the fact that Courtney was flirting with Eric in the midst of a relationship that ALREADY HAD issues with her cheating on him?
You mean the fact that she was openly criticizing him for allegedly nodding out from drug intake on camera in front of Frances - when she was high half the time herself, sometimes from using the SAME dealers Kurt was? Like Dylan for example?
You mean the fact that she’d been punching, assaulting, and throwing objects at him and pushing him to suicide nearly every day within the relationship and she attempted to minimize it as him just being ‘moody?’ Oh let me PUNCH you for disagreeing with me! God you’re trying to run to the bathroom to overdose? God you’re such a fucking baby!
Then the kicker was using that SICKENING letter that Kurt wrote to her or was extracted from his journals that literally EMBODIED his abuse within the relationship yet they portrayed it as ~romantic~