Why everyone close to nirvana is as abusive as courtney love

▽ [[ warning! extremely long post! ]] ▽-

And How The Cobain Family Lies To Benefit Themselves


[[ x ]] – MOH /Scanned/ Book Form w/ Extras Available For Read-Along~

It wasn’t just Courtney Love who lead Kurt to killing himself. It was the environment around him that killed him on every fathomable level.

What sort of people need to be around you to make you want to kill yourself?

This blog does not operate on conspiracy. What it operates on is unearthing information that looks at the hive around Nirvana honestly. In the year of this blog’s existence we’ve discovered that Kurt’s suicide, while strongly influenced by Courtney Love, also took place because the people she allowed to be around him contributed to why he thought that suicide was his only option.

It happens often with abuse victims and its survivors that are fortunate to climb out of it. Anyone can be abused; regardless of how strong you may think you are. Kurt Cobain, unfortunately, did not understand that this was possible. What’s easy to see with Cobain, based on consistent information we’ve found, is that his unhappiness was also a byproduct of the environment that abusers create to ensure no one’s going to influence their victims to question it.

How was the environment around him abusive? It was abusive in a number of ways and I’ve created this walkthrough to understand it better. As ECL’s owner, know as a disclaimer that I did not know he was abused at all, much like my ignorance about Courtney before I knew better, until I found enough information to come to this conclusion. Never believe anything until you have information from an unbiased source without an agenda and until you can pick through the information yourself. Our method is that we give you everything with context we’ve gained from the information and you choose what to believe on your own.

This is a complete breakdown and should be used to assist other information between Exposingcourtneylove and Dissectingkurtcobain to understand why information on Nirvana is so filtered, why information on Cobain is inconsistent,
and why this amount of work has to be put in to find this information in the first place:

Table of Contents:
◕ Section 1 : Kurt Cobain’s Family – Wendy, Don, Kim, and Jenny Cobain (Kurt’s step mother)

◕ Section 2: Outer Nirvana – Eric Erlandson, Patty Schemel, Michael (Cali) Dewitt, Jessica Hopper

◕ Section 2.5 – Janet Billig, Pat Smear, Jackie Farry, Everett True, Charles Cross, Tracy Marander

◕ Section 3 : Inner Nirvana Hive - Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl, Danny Golberg


┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈[[ INFORMATION DUMP ]]┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

↳ First and foremost, Kurt had suffered trauma from intense childhood abuse. Don, Wendy, his stepmother, and his family invalidated him because they saw him as a problem child or have weird agendas that should be questioned. The former happens often with families where children who are mentally ill like Kurt are present. It also happens where children perceived as black sheep become the center for projection by the rest of the family because of their own shortcomings and expectations. When he was alive, he also had a seemingly dysfunctional relationship with his family where he’d occasionally defend them because he, also like with Courtney, didn’t realize he was doing that because those years of abuse taught him to defend them no matter what. Note that it’s also important to understand that this happens with childhood abuse survivors in general. They have mixed and uncertain relationships where they’re never sure whether they’ll get love or rejection so they cling to them in hopes of the former.

Note: If any of the links are the same it’s because there’s information on that page that’s connected to that other person.

My co-owner, L, gave evidence of his childhood abuse here
L’s breakdown of Kurt’s mental illness
Example of what parental invalidation of a child looks like (paralleling Nancy Spungen)

/ Every single one of them also displayed intense ableism and completely disregard for Cobain’s obvious signs of Executive Dysfunction, which for people with mental illnesses, means that a part of their brain that they can’t control can frequently make self-care utterly impossible. Kurt’s family innately thought that he was selfish, which was something he believed from conditioning, so no one can claim that they were just ignorant. You also don’t abuse someone just out of ‘ignorance’ anyway – Look at how often they referred to him as “lazy” - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - including Jim Cobain, his uncle in HTH, and by Charles Cross, 7

// There is also Azzerad’s analysis that a few of Kurt’s songs directly combatted that exact perception of him by his family


⊡ Examples of Wendy invalidating and abusing Kurt – x (remainder of references are in L’s link above)

/ Example of Wendy perceiving sensitivity as ‘victimization’, which transfers into emotional abuse, i.e. “my boy wasn’t a whiner, he didn’t victimize himself,” which is a description of how she wanted him to be since she ultimately perceived him TO be a whiner anyway. See how it transfers over?

/ Also note that Wendy, if you read through those quick 50 jpegs from the MOH scans, says that she was supportive of Kurt and his ambitions, even to the point of talking about Kurt constantly calling her with news of events in his life when Wendy, 20 years ago, was perfectly fine with talking about how unsupportive she was and didn’t believe he was talented and that he was wasting his time. She changed her tune to fit public perception of her for the film. This critique of MOH where Wendy is mentioned summarizes it quite nicely as well (n: thank you to the person that sent us this!). As the critique mentions, where did all of these cool little anecdotes about her relationship with Kurt come from? When an author originally asked her about them, that was sanctioned by her son, 20 years ago?

⊡ Examples of Don invalidating and abusing Kurt – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,

⊡ Examples of Jenny Cobain invalidating him (which is still abuse, just emotional abuse because her, Wendy, and Don found their own individual ways to paint him as terrible b/c they didn’t want to understand him and justified their cruelty) – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 [see Jenny’s threat at beginning of the page], 7 [marked portion is from Jenny], 8

Side note if you’re reading the links to the scanned pages above: Remember when Wendy said Don physically abused Kurt and Don called it just doing something about him ‘acting out’? Don also mentions having to do something, aka, physically abuse him more, to deal with Kurt’s ‘acting out’ on image-55. Similarly, Jenny also invalidated Kurt by saying that he ‘wanted to be the most love’ on a previous page and on image-55 uses that same language, except she called it, ‘wanting the most cake.’ Just a note to pay attention to the language used and to look for patterns like this.

We have also found information that forces us to be increasingly critical. Both Wendy and Kim have directly benefited from Courtney financially and Wendy assisted Courtney in planting numerous stories to the press to build both of their images. For example, Courtney sent out a false missing persons’ report (ctrl/cmd + f – “wendy”), pretending to be Wendy, to use Kurt’s unstable attachment to his mother (meaning that he’d be lured back by guilt) to force him back into the abusive relationship she created. Wendy simultaneously released a statement about her concern for him to coincide with the report to make it seem like the missing persons’ report was real (“wendy”).  

While some of Kim’s anecdotes in the book were helpful to learn context, her agendas are unclear seeing as she was allowed to participate in the information about him that’s being filtered. The people allowed to participate are put there on purpose. Therefore, we find it suspicious that she was allowed to say anything, especially given that Kim’s opinions about Courtney are complementary and she was equally invalidating of him as well (+this) when it came to Wendy’s abuse of him.

⊡ Courtney’s headlines and self-promotion supplied by Wendy –

1 - “Kurt would have drowned a lot earlier without her.”
–Wendy Cobain about Courtney (Entertainment Weekly 1994)

2 – “She sacrificed a lot for Kurt, including her career, almost. She was totally dedicated to helping him survive.”  + “She put a Homemaker And Proud Of It bumper sticker on the family Volvo, studied how-to-improve-your-marriage books and learned to cook Kurt’s favorite meal, pot roast.” (People Magazine 1995) [a similar home maker lie was used by Courtney in her fake published diaries – ctrl/cmd + f - “schindler”]

Note: Courtney regularly used People and EW for headlines when the publications were popular during the 90s and early 2000’s 

Courtney and Wendy’s support for each other during events– 1, 2, 3 (1:10 – Wendy’s in back of her to the left)

Courtney’s financial assistance for Kim and Wendy

It goes deeper though and it gets twice as dark -

Certain aspects of Kurt’s childhood are also intentionally made to look like Courtney’s fake one. If you haven’t read the Nancy article now’s a good time to break and do it now. As we’ve also explored here and here, Courtney Love’s embellished childhood and cries of impoverishment began to echo Kurt’s immediately after they got together. The sob story was already planted but tidbits like them both being prescribed Ritalin as children is important. It’s important because both Wendy and Don have different anecdotes about whether or not he was prescribed it to begin with.

Don’s Ritalin anecdote + Jenny’s [note the ableism – i.e. ‘take him off of it to deal with his problems like the rest of us’] (even though Kurt wasn’t staying with Jenny and Don by this point because it chronologically would have been too early for him because he stayed with them as a teenager (ref: Nirvana – The Biography), and there is also photographic proof, when Wendy says below that he was put on Ritalin and taken off of it between 4 and 5 years old and that Don conveniently doesn’t remember…Kurt also would have been a special needs child if Jenny’s anecdote were correct and no school nor teacher ever mentions or documented that Kurt was a special needs child..she’s lying, everyone is lying. Kurt also said, in his own words in CAYA, that he had never met ‘a faker person’ and you can hear him mentioning that she was an ‘evil step mother’ (0:30 – 0:38) verbally in the MOH film that can be found in the released recordings. The fact that she was allowed to be in MOH solidifies all former statements. Everyone involved, and the Cobain family is a liar)

⊡ Wendy’s Ritalin/ADHD anecdotes – 1, 2, 3 [HTH]

⊡ Courtney’s Ritalin anecdotes – 1 [ctrl/cmd + f – “ritalin”], 2 [HTH]

↳ Since writing this article and coming back to it we’ve been able to debunk that the entire Ritalin story, including the armchair diagnosis of Kurt’s ADHD is false and are continuously being spun by Courtney and the Cobain family. Completely and utterly false. A few things -

>  The origin of Kurt being prescribed Ritalin as a child originated in Come As You Are by Michael Azzeradwhich was a book where Kurt told lies about Courtney, specifically, to make her look better and look less like a gold digger. Everett True himself also outted Heavier Than Heaven, which consists of nothing BUT Kurtney myths, as fabricated. Any Kurtney story by association is almost always untrue unless supplied by an unbiased and non-influenced source. No quote or sound bite of Kurt talking about Ritalin exists.

> The Ritalin and ADHD stories are designed for Courtney to insert herself because they’re immediately associated with them ‘bonding’ or having similarities over drugs paralleled by early childhood medication. For example, after CAYA was published in 1993, the next mentions of this were in Courtney Love: The Real Story in 1998 and in HTH in 2001. The anecdotes in both of those books are heavily referenced about Kurt and Courtney as a couple and served as a foundation for Courtney’s image promotion. Finally, it should be well known that Charles Cross as been known to be a bonefide liar and embellisher for decades and has planted headlines for Courtney when asked.

> The mention of Kurt’s ADHD only originated from Cross saying that Kurt had ‘signs’ or symptoms of it and made an armchair diagnoses that relies on dangerous generalization and ableism about mental illness. He tied together anecdotes from the Cobain family about Kurt’s hyperactivity and made the assumption that ‘ADHD’ had been the cause of it, with Wendy later fabricating an anecdote about it in MOH. It’s a dangerous assumption because different disorders share symptoms and no one symptom is exclusive and it feeds into the public’s ignorance and oversimplification of mental illness. Also saying that Kurt had ADHD became highly sensationalized and in addition to Courtney’s Ritalin story, became adopted as Kurtney lore [“Ritalin”].

Collectively we’re dealing with the same people that allowed or participated in planting her fake headlines to completely rewrite his life after he was pronounced dead. We also know that Courtney was the person who came up with the idea that they were “both” given Ritalin in the first place, see above HTH2001 link. Finally, Linda Carrol herself, in all of her attempts to draw projections between her daughter and Kurt to make amends with her, never mentioned she was prescribed Ritalin. Yet Courtney, in all of her false childhood anecdotes, magically remembers that it was? Conveniently when Kurt is involved.

They’re all liars.

Needless to say, it’s very easy to understand how Kurt had experienced trauma from a family that evidently has their own self-interests in mind. For those with loving parents it’s hard to imagine. But imagine for a second that those people who are supposed to love you tell strangers that you’re a huge burden on them for just existing? Where you’ve had to deal with all of this passive aggression and underhandedness and have it influence your behavior, yet they’re still convinced that YOU’RE the problem? People that will willingly invent full-blown stories about you to benefit themselves? These are the people that participated in MOH.

Believe it or not, though facts are facts here, but Kurt had to deal with that from the people introduced later in his life.

↳ These people – his managers, band mates, and ‘friends’ of Courtney’s around him all suspiciously have the same thing in common: they’re self-interested hypocrites who want to sell you something. Not necessarily a product but the idea that they had nothing to do with “it” – the suicide. When someone commits suicide, especially in situations like this, it’s important to examine extraneous factors – how they were treated being a crucial one. If Kurt was pushed to the point where he felt alone and isolated, which is something that happened, and had his friends systematically taken out of his life by Courtney (1 – 17:03+ / 2), it suggests that the ones left around him weren’t so nice themselves or were spectators that were equally guilty by remaining silent.

What you’re essentially left with is this little “hive” of people who contributed to that isolation in their own ways that made it easier for an abuser like Courtney to manipulate the situation. That way when Kurt sensed that everyone around him hated him anyway, Courtney would be able to gaslight it by twisting or intensifying what was already there. The “angry note” allegedly written by Kurt to Krist and Dave that no one is sure truly wrote can be used as a good example to explain any way you look at this.

It may seem odd for anyone to come to that conclusion, but again, after you read all of this content you have to ask yourself if you’d be comfortable with befriending any of these people. People that’ll blame you for having a mental illness, project themselves through you, belittle you, and basically completely stifle you emotionally. Ending finally with blaming you for everything. This is a reoccurring theme you’ll find on both sides of the Nirvana hive.

part of the nirvana hive consisted of courtney’s friends, band mates, and associates:

Note: The tinypic links sometimes take a bit to load and may need to be refreshed

⊡ You have Eric Erlandson, a long time friend of Courtney’s who helps her fabricate stories without so much as wince, promote suicide understanding and awareness by day and shames Kurt horribly for said suicide by night. Who also includes memories of Courtney’s torment and abuse of Kurt dreamily in his published anecdotes, admits to potentially helping her cheat on him (look at his language and deconstruct the tacky metaphor), and subjects his readers to the idea that he basically infantilized Kurt and formed a parasitic relationship with him out of envy if you get through Letters to Kurt in one sitting. This is a person who spent three years pretending to help Kurt when he was weakened by his abuse (through overdoses, periods where he didn’t have the spoons (term for executive dysfunction) to look after himself) and twisted the intimacy in that relationship to absorb his personality and live through him simultaneously because he wanted to fuck Courtney. So the fact that Kurt was someone he wanted to be made the situation even worse.

– Additional reference links –
1 – Eric and Courtney’s planted headline made to force Kurt out of hiding [ctrl/cmd + f – “eric”] (Courtney confirmed to Tom Grant over the phone that the event was staged [see cobaincase.com/audio for the timeline of events to match them], meaning that the Eric was the one that called 911 for the fake overdose)

2 – Numerous examples of Eric guilt tripping Kurt for his suicide, unhappiness, and response to his abuse, despite helping Courtney abuse him further – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

3 – Eric helping Courtney plant lies and misinformation -
/ Celebrity SkinBilly had done the whole thing and Eric minimized his involvement, also tried to lie that Courtney “writes” at all when that’s not a thing
/ Celebrity Skin [2] – [ctrl /cmd  + f – “toronto sun”] – And if you notice if you compare this interview to the one above, the “Courtney and I wrote the lyrics” shifts to “Courtney wrote all the lyrics” and “Billy was the executive producer / helped with the song” is suddenly minimized to indirectly saying that he was brought along, not by name, to ‘motivate Courtney vocally’

4 – Making Her Image Digestible – If you get towards the bottom you’ll see that even though he agrees with the fact that she submits her own headlines and is manipulative, he plays down those qualities as cute ‘personality quirks’ and this is an attitude you see from him often about her. He also completely minimized Courtney’s abuse and assault on Kathleen Hanna there as well.

5 – That was from a Kerrang article in 95 and look at how his language about her hasn’t changed if you go through this, made in 2012. He’s her shoulder monkey by choice.

⊡ Patty Schemel, a person who let Courtney lie her ass off when it didn’t involve her, who blamed Kurt for his drug use at the intervention when she did drugs [Marco Collins interview], and who was later thrown under the bus [“horrendous ex-drummer”][Q-Magazine 1995] by the person who lead the intervention that she refuses to say anything against (Courtney). Even though Patty could have gone the route of others (Alice Wheeler / Buzz Osbourne / Dylan Carlson / Mary Lou Lord – hers was yesterday!) and casually voiced her disapproval of Courtney’s antics, despite all of the times she’s screwed her over [6:42+], she still protects her with enabling her lies and image spreading. Ultimately what this shows is that despite those ‘cute home videos’ and photographs of her documenting Kurt and his life prevalent in Hit So Hard and Montage of Heck, and claiming closeness, Patty prefers the taste of her own ass. Because how hard could it have been to spare your self- preservation to mention that you know for a fact, from experience, that someone is an asshole? Especially when that person is continuously spreading lies about you to benefit herself.

Patty not saying anything in Hole interviews when Courtney lied or lying herself–
/ Courtney’s planted Jeff Buckley story / in reality, Jeff said she used him
/ Patty lying along with Courtney about Live Through This [see the debunks 1, 2]
/ More lies about Courtney’s ‘song writing ability,’ LTT and Courtney in general
/ Fairytales about her relationship with Courtney to promote Hit So Hard
/ Patty protecting Courtney and herself and blaming Kurt’s usage again

⊡ Cali Dewitt, an admirer who Courtney found and made into Frances’s nanny, who stood idly by and later tried to romanticize Kurt’s abuse because it didn’t involve him and then questioned Courtney’s motives when it did [Nirvana: The Biography]. He also, like Eric with planting information, tried to help Courtney lure Kurt back to her with the infamous note left on the stairs that was used to bait him emotionally, missing persons’ report style. This is a man who watched Kurt being physically abused by Courtney and did nothing. He didn’t care. He was interested in the money. If you’ve read Everett’s biography, you’d know that Kurt gave him access to a black card with a $50,000 spending limit. The only requirement was that he’d need to occasionally go grocery shopping and supply Kurt’s sedation from Courtney.

One of Cali’s girlfriends, Jessica Hopper, who was in and out of Kurt’s household at the time, also regularly contributes to Courtney’s lie spreading and image creation because she’s obsessed with her. That sort of obsession, as evident with Gen Xer journalists that grew up at that time, helps Courtney solidify her image. It makes it even worse that like Jackie below, which I’ll get into, she was around the abuse as well, but still tried to leave with the idea that Courtney is a good person. Then again Jessica’s been criticized by the riot girl movement for being a self-serving asshole who manipulated the movement to her benefit (1, 2 / [connected] - 3, 4, 5), much like Courtney who created a fake war with them to gain headlines in the first place. Jessica is also known to equally manipulate the social criticism she spews to fit agendas and is both a stalker and an instigator facing criticism in this link similar to those above. No surprises here.

Jessica’s Courtney obsession: [Google ‘Jessica Hopper Courtney Love’] and count
/ Jessica’s SPIN article rom 2014 celebrating LTT, where everyone involved lied
/ [Last paragraph] Jessica’s media connections influenced by Courtney Love
+ Confirmation that that’s true, from Jessica herself
/ [ctrl / cmd + f – “courtney”] – 1, 2, 3, 4
/ [“jessica”] And Courtney name dropping her in a complementary way solidifies that she’s under her thumb because of that obsession

You also have others who stood idly (more so) during Courtney’s abuse who ultimately contributed to nothing and worsened the affects and represented how suffocated Kurt’s world was with her influences:

⊡  Janet Billig, a friend of Courtney’s who she appointed as Hole’s manager that spent a lot of time around them. She also contributed to Courtney’s relevancy in SPIN Magazine over the years through connections [“janet”].

⊡ Pat Smear, another friend of Courtney’s, despite losing contact with her for some time, that also winded up being an honorary additional member of Nirvana. He was also conveniently never a target of Courtney’s calculated feuds with the rest of Nirvana. This is also the same guy who helped Dave’s ex cheat on him [read top + comments below].

⊡  Jackie Farry, friend of Janet Billig’s [“janet”], later Hole tour manager, with music industry experience that was employed as one of Frances’s main nannies during the In Utero and Insecticide period. Her silence about the abuse she witnessed is disturbing seeing as two different nannies (Cali [ref above] and the nannies interviewed in Kurt and Courtney) both vocalized that the abuse and her maliciousness were everyday occurrences and Jackie had her own wing in their house. To this day Jackie is very friendly with Courtney and speaks highly of her [“courtney”] [+ if you search for “courtney” in the janet link above], therefore it can easily be concluded that she was kept in employment by her because she would enable the abuse she inflicted. Like Cali, people that do nothing to stop these situations are equally at fault. You do not watch someone being hit or hear them cry under the oppression of their abuser and try to ‘stay out of it.’ You’re helping the abuse occur in the first place.

Also, that makes a total of three nannies that corroborated this. Yet Jackie, conveniently, didn’t ‘know’ it was abusive? Ho’kay.

[Note: Ignore the ableist/gross “narcissist” comments and replace the word with ‘abuser’ because the other information is relevant and those with NPD are not innately abusive] - In abusive situations, especially domestic ones, abusers create webs of influence that trap their victims to ensure that they’re being abused on every fathomable level. So not only are they abusing them themselves but they’re also replacing their victim’s friends with their own people who won’t question the abuse and who will remain silent and enable it. Cali himself said that he’d basically just watch Courtney assault Kurt on an almost daily basis and call the cops on him and throw objects at him. The people employed by Courtney who weren’t kicked out were enabling this situation and she used this to her advantage. Similar to Kim Cobain as well, anyone, despite any complementary commentary they give of Kurt, who’s aware of Courtney because everything she’s running is a lie and it’s obvious something is going on, it means the person is an asshole. The seemingly ‘innocent bystanders’ aren’t actually innocent.

⊡  Everett True, music-journalist-turned-friend of Courtney’s who willingly participated in her image concoction and who both supplies accurate criticism of her and falsehoods involving his relationship to her and Kurt to bloat his own ego. This is also the same person who heard that Kurt was being physically assaulted and abused from Cali’s recollections and romanticized and sexualized their relationship based on his own desire to screw Courtney himself, and makes it painfully obvious [extracts from his biography]. To this day he also consistently writes articles about her fawning over his projection of her that she sold to him based on what he wishes she could be and contributes to the cycle.

⊡  Charles Cross – (non Nirvana era) music journalist employed later on by Courtney to plant false and sensationalized information about her, Kurt, and her relationship to him and Nirvana to build her image.

⊡  Tracy Marander – Tracy’s mention here is more so on part of the fact that she’s been allowed to be an additional official voice / semi-important authority on Kurt and Nirvana related anecdotal history. Even though she’ll entertain conspiracy theorists despite being pro-suicide. It’s one thing to believe he was murdered, which we don’t agree with, if that’s what you honestly believe. But it reads as dishonest and attention grabbing if you try to entertain the opposing idea, especially if it’s about someone’s life that you knew personally. It also makes it easy for someone to use you for their agendas (i.e. Courtney) if you don’t choose a side. 

the inner nirvana hive consisted of kurt’s band mates and management:

You have Krist Novoselic, who despite being one of Kurt’s oldest friends, will minimize his knowledge of his childhood abuse [following extracts will be from this interview] and will give the impression of being extremely emotionally stifling. In relation to Kurt, Krist is the embodiment of the part of society that believes that mental illness and abuse can be ‘wished away’ with good vibes and positivity. He’s the one that will hear about someone’s individually painful experience and will undermine it by saying, “Hey man, all pain is universal.” He’s that guy and will also be one to blame Kurt’s suffering on his ‘reluctance to get help’ despite knowing enough to see that he was trapped in his relationship and was unhappy for a fucking reason [HTH/Everett bio refs].

Then again, same person who undermined his psychosomatic trauma through his stomach by blaming it on more ‘poor decisions’ of his. Blame, blame, blame. Finally, if that wasn’t enough demonstration of his passive aggression, you have the fact that he interprets Kurt’s understanding of suffering as ‘negative.’ You know, despite empathy, this is met with, “but you don’t have it that bad! You haven’t been abused THAT much!” Cheer up man! Why are you so negative? You got beat up in our hometown and kicked out by a family that hated you and married to a complete fucking Satan incarnate, but cheer up! Why so negative, man?!!!

Imagine being abused, kicked around, and mentally ill as fuck and a guy that’s supposed to be there for you sees you exactly like the family that abused you did! IMAGINE! This was Kurt’s best friend. He’s also the guy who’ll openly shade Courtney on a public forum [“courtney”], will assert that she’s manipulative and attempt to sue her for that quality[see bottom paragraphs], even to the point where he’s outted her as a liar, and show signs he’s never liked her [“stove”], yet will retract his criticism to save his own ass over his dead friend’s integrity. This change happened immediately after the lawsuit by the way, timeline wise. Even though Courtney ran around for years shit talking him in the worst way, saying he was a woman beater [type as is – “pshyically”], was a master manipulator conning Nirvana out of money (see: vibe of entire rant) and crapping on his bass playing, years after he thought he agreed to a ceasefire.

Makes sense seeing as he and Dave are suddenly fine with the creation of an album with newly released material from a dead man that Krist once said didn’t exist; where the only information to the contrary came from Courtney’s headline planting, that’s easily debunkable. Then again this is also the same guy, despite printing that Nirvana’s albums can’t be sold to racists, believes that Ra/chel/ Do/lez/al is inspirational. So it’s easy to see that anything he tries to sell on the surface is bullshit in the worst possible way.

– Additional reference links / Reload until they appear -
1 [43:00+] / Despite knowing he was suffering; “Kurt’s chemical dependency made him kill himself / he wasn’t thinking straight” [Blame the heroin!]

2 [“discussion” x 2 – see entire anecdote about HSB’s production ] / Example of how his and Dave’s perceptions of Kurt made them believe they had to walk on eggshells around him about decisions

3  [ x ] / And this disturbing anecdote where got caught faking innocence for stealing being an asshole to people that didn’t deserve it

Dave Grohl, who, similar to Eric, was envious of Kurt for his talents but opposed to taking on a parasitic role, created imaginary issues with him based on projections. Imagine if you had a relationship with someone that based it on their own insecurities? What’s consistent in interviews is that Dave is insecure that Kurt was a better artist or more interesting commercial success than he is. While this seems small in light of larger things, it actually isn’t small at all and it’s an insidious trait. In a greater situation where someone’s well being, i.e. Kurt’s mental illness, is dependent on consistent reassurance and communication, especially where people read those issues as negative, petty envy added to the equation doesn’t help. It’s also a sign that that person isn’t interested in a friendship. It’s like trying to say that Eric was a “friend” to Kurt. You do not call someone a friend who spends their entire time envying you and projecting shit onto you.

Though it seems hypocritical because he outted Courtney for years, his recent pacifist attitude rings as immediately suspicious. Were you spending decades defending Kurt from Courtney? Or did you spend that time defending the musician you wish you were from her? You don’t stop defending someone you love from an asshole that you know won’t change unless your motivations were botched to begin with. You also don’t suddenly claim that you’re ‘friends’ with this person you claimed, through / song, lead the former to suicide. Dave also has really striking misogynistic dudebro tendencies [calls his exes “insane” despite cheating on them] that beg the question of why he was allegedly so inspired by Kurt or the message of Nirvana in the first place. You’re going call your exes crazy and have issues with equating sympathy to feminization and weakness [“sympathy”] but you’re allegedly crying over the legacy of someone who opposed that? He’s just as image conscious as Courtney.

Because it needs to be established that seeming like a ‘nice person’ yet treating someone like a walking atomic bomb isn’t actually nice at all. He was basically scared of his own envy.

– Additional reference links -
1 [“unhappy” + read the 3 paragraph rant he goes on] – i.e. “I was afraid Kurt didn’t like me because he was just so cool / I only got reassurance from him once!”

2 [listen to everything] - /howard stern interview/ - i.e. “Senpai notice me! / his drugs made him selfish! / and I was afraid to get closer to him!”

3 [ x ] - / Buzz calls out said passive aggressiveness, listen to the whole thing
4 [reread this, but with Dave again] – i.e. “We were too afraid to say anything about HSB! So we didn’t!”

5 [“marigold” – see entire anecdote] – i.e. “I was afraid of showing him my songs because I didn’t wanna get kicked out! I’m walking on eggshells for no reason!”

6 [“brother”] – i.e. “This letter from Kurt saying I’m like a brother to him is one of my most prized possessions because it’s the only proof that he noticed me!”

Danny Golberg, who’s basically admitted that he uses his celebrity clientele to elevate his own status and ego [see: long paragraph on far right], was the ideal candidate Courtney needed to make her stories stick. Not only is he a fanatical stan [“danny”], that’s right, a stan [ref: Bumping Into Geniuses], but he also helps her plant stories and alter crucial information. He also, like everyone else, infantilized Kurt and saw him as a burden he needed to take care of despite attempting to sell the story that he loved and cared for him. This is a person who helped her create the intervention which ultimately gave Kurt zero options and had no qualms eliminating any women in his life for her that would have posed a threat or made Kurt feel less isolated. Courtney also christened Golberg with compliments and projections such as, “Danny is the only person Kurt ever trusted,” [center paragraph] which gives you an idea of how much Kurt was used as an asset between them to push around to their own advantages.

- Additional reference links -
1 / Planted the story for her that Linda Carroll ‘trashed talked’ how Courtney had stolen a t-shirt  and sent to reform school when Linda confirmed in her own book that that was a lie [ref: Her Mother’s Daughter]. The ‘reform’ school didn’t exist. It was an expensive and progressive all girl’s school.

2 / Minimized Courtney’s sister Jamie talking about Courtney’s casual abuse of her and saw it as “complaining”

3 / Courtney compliments Danny by putting words in Kurt’s mouth

4 / Courtney – “Danny is my spiritual father” [“spiritual”]

But seriously, imagine living in close proximity with these people. Who wouldn’t want to kill themselves?


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